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domenica 12 ottobre 2008

[BLIZZCON 2008] Ultime notizie....

Questa mattina alle 3 in punto il BlizzCon si è concluso, ci sono state tante novità e molte sorprese. Prima di passare al riassunto delle cose più importanti dovrei aggiungere qualche cosina...

Prima di tutto questo nuovo video del "Gameplay Panel" di Starcraft II in cui potete vedere una breve introduzione di Rob Pardo seguita dalla prima parte di un filmato che vede protagonisti Jim Raynor e Tychus Findlay. La seconda parte del video continua questo filmato e possiamo notare il Bar Kalos, con le zone cliccabili per la ricerca di informazioni e missioni. Proprio la scelta di una missione introduce i due protagonisti nel campo di battaglia che potete vedere nella terza parte del video, seguito da una fantastica animazione “ingame” e un nuovo scenario di selezione missioni/informazioni.

Prima Parte:

Seconda Parte:

Terza Parte

Fonti: BlizzardPlayer


Infine ieri notte non ho parlato dell'ultima Panel che c'e' stato su World of Warcraft al BlizzCon, cioè il secondo Class Panel. Non ci sono state rivelazioni importanti per chi fosse interessato può leggersi un riassunto qui sotto:

Cliccare su Visualizza per leggere il riassunto di MMO-Champions:

The dual-spec system will interface with the UI.
o Action bars will flip when you switch your spec so you don't have to re-do all your keys.
o It will likely also tie into Glyphs so you don't have to re-do Glyphs whenever you switch specs.

Q: Ghostcrawler, do you plan to be as active on the live forums after Beta is over?
A: That is his plan. He'll have to see how crazy things get.

Q: Thanks for the new Hunter Pet system. Any new info on the Hunter 45-point survival talent?
A: They want Trap Mastery to be useful. It could be a lot sexier than it is now. It's not a change they can make right away.

Q: Any feedback on the current state of Elemental Shaman?
A: Class balance is so reactive. Each class type reacts to changes of other classes differently. Elemental Shamans, like Hunters, fight the GCD quite a bit, and Devs have tried to give them some help in that regard. Changing totems to the physical school may help. They have to wait and see how it all plays out.

Q: Hunters. How do you maintain a balance between Arena and Raid DPS?
A: Hunters have always been top sustained Raid DPS. That has continued in Wrath. They are keeping an eye on the PvP balance of it.

Q: Rogue Combat tree. Daggers and poisons were fixed, but will Combat Raid utility be improved?
A: The buff/debuff system has been entirely overhauled, ands that effects poisons and other Rogue abilities. Devs definitely want to get Combat up equal to other DPS specs. There have eben a lot of recent big changes to Combat in particular.

Q: DKs starting at level 55 is great. Will any other classes ever start at higher levels? (Lots of applause.)
A: They currently have no plans to change other classes. They did things like Refer a Friend bonuses to help leveling, but they want players to experience low level content. However, they know old content is not of the same quality as the new stuff.

Q: Devs have said they want more Raid utility for Discipline priests, but that's not obvious in beta. Penance is good but using Greater Heal, you still have mana issues.
A: That's good feedback. People always ask for more mana in feedback and it's hard for devs to know when they really need it. They want to play up distinctive healing styles, but large, slow heals will never go away.

Q: Shadow Priests and Warlocks. Will DoTs ever tag a mob for kill credit?
A: That is on the list of things to do, for sure. It's just a question of when.

Q: Amplify Curses was completely changed to a haste increase for curses. How is this useful and will it be changed?
A:When the talent was designed, it was meant for for PvP and Arenas where you have to reapply curses more often than in PvE.

Q: Endgame 10-man raiding is great, but it also means if you lose a player or two it can be difficult since less people are in the party. Could another class perhaps get a Battle Rez?
A: What class did you have in mind? (Audience jeering and yelling out suggestions.) Death Knights have a self Battle Rez!

Q: Death Knight tanking. Devs have said that Rune Strike was redesigned to help give back threat that is lost to parries and dodges. With recent change to Rune cooldowns when parries and dodges happen, will all that extra threat still be necessary? A: In an ideal world, you would get more threat from overall damage than one single ability. They are monitoring it.

Q: Will there be resistance-based fights in Wrath?
A: Devs always have trouble deciding. Resistance fights bring a lot of flavor, but is it worth it? (Corwd shouts "No!") A lot of mobs and bosses get affected by diseases and poisons now, and that's something they need to keep an eye on.

Q: Class homogenization issues, especially Paladins. Pally tanking skills keep being given to other classes.
A: It's a big concern for Devs to make sure all classes have the tools they need without having them all be the same. Do Paladins have to have a single-target taunt? Do all classes have to have a Battle Rez, or is it good for just Druids? They don't want Paladins to be the only tanks people take. They are still trying to balance this.

Q: Tanks in PvP. Any ideas for "defender" type abilities in PvP?
A: Protection Warriors have a lot more PvP utility. Devs do not know if they will ever add in something like a PvP taunt, but they would love to make tanking specs more PvP viable whenever they can. The respec thing is a band-aid for this as well, but they want to do more to help those specs.

Q: Will Elemental Shamans ever get a Talent that boost spell power with spirit like other casters have?
A: If they need it. Devs are to the point where spirit is no longer the mana regen stat, it's more of a boost for spell power. They don't feel everyone needs a Talent like this, but if it's needed, it will be added.

Q: Do you forsee Battle stance being more viable in PvP?
A: Devs are keeping an eye on Battle Stance skills. Devs think Stance dancing isn't that hard. They may make more changes to Stances in the future.

Q: Why is Stoneclaw the protective totem for PvP when it prevents the use of other Earth PvP totems? Any plans for a flat totem health increase?
A: We will double it! (Laughter.) No, we felt Stoneclaw was the right totem to use. It felt right. Players should have to make a choice between the snare, the fear warding, and the totem strengthening.

Q: There is a Glyph that lets Excorcism have a spell interupt. Will this spell be usable on non-Undead targets to make it more useful in PvP?
A: It's an idea! Maybe.

Q: Shadow Priest's Dispersion is lackluster. Any chance for some buffs?
A: Probably not. The Devs are happy with the way it is. It's a partial shield that does not root you. Yeah it's not terribly useful for high-end PvE, but it is beneficial in other way and 51-Point talents are often very situational.

Fonte: MMO-Champions

----------------------------------------------------------------- ha appena pubblicato un anteprima su Diablo III riguardante la nuova classe presentata al BlizzCon, non c'e' niente di nuovo ma riassume le caratteristiche del Wizard.
>>>Leggi la recensione


Infine vorrei fare notare quanto senso dell'umorismo hanno gli sviluppatori Blizzard riguardante la polemica del "Art Style" di Diablo III troppo cartonoso e vivace:

Aggiornamento: Ho spezzato e reinserito il video su Starcraf II perchè era troppo lungo

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