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martedì 22 gennaio 2008

World Of Warcraft: 10 MILIONI DI GIOCATORI

World of Warcraft's community continues to grow, recently hitting a new high of 10 million subscribers around the world. In the three years since the game was first released, the way it has been embraced around the world has far surpassed our expectations, and we're grateful to all of the players who made that possible. We just wanted to take a moment to share the news, welcome the many new and returning players who entered the game over the holidays, and thank all of you for your ongoing support and enthusiasm.


World Of Wacraft cresce con una volcità impressionante! Devo ricordare che un anno fa erano 7 Milioni i giocatori.

Maggiori informazioni (ing)

Aggiornamento: Articolo di Wolrld Of Warcraft Italia

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